International Center For
Promoting Knowledge

Manuscript Preparation

International Center for Promoting Knowledge (ICPK) Journal endeavors to uphold the highest standard of academic publishing. Good preparation of your manuscript to the best of our guidelines guarantees you a seamless submission process and helps to maximize the visibility and impact of your research findings.

Title and Abstract

  • Title: The title should be clear, concise, and informative with a reflection of the manuscript content.

  • Abstract: The abstract shall contain a brief summary of the research undertaken, stating the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. The abstract shall not be more than 250 words.


  • Insert 4-6 keywords that reflect the content of your manuscript. These keywords are important for indexing and search engine optimization.


  • Introduce the background, aims, and importance of your research. State clearly your research question or hypothesis. Follow with a literature review which contextualizes your work and indicates the need for the gap your research will fulfill.


  • Research Design: Indicate the study type and method adopted.
  • Participants: Detailed information regarding participants should be given such as sample size, selection criteria, demographic data.
  • Materials and Procedures: This section describes the materials, instruments, and procedures used in the study in detail so that the study can be repeated.
  • Data Analysis: Indicate what statistical methods and tools have been used to analyze the data.


  • Report your findings using tables, figures, and charts where appropriate. Include any statistical analyses and relevant data to substantiate your conclusions. Make sure all figures and tables are numbered and labeled, and referred to in the text.


  • Interpret the results, discuss the implications of the findings, and present the contributions of your study to the field. Comment on any limitations and suggest avenues for future research.


  • Summarize the key findings and their meaning. Emphasize how your investigation has contributed to the discipline and what applications it may have.


  • Acknowledge anyone who provided help, funding, or contributions to your research. Also, declare any potential conflicts of interest.


  • List all sources cited in the manuscript in the specified format. Be sure to double-check the accuracy and completeness of your citations. Format all citations consistently in APA, MLA, or Chicago.


  • Font: Use Times New Roman, 11pt font.
  • Spacing: The line spacing is set to 1.5.
  • Margins: Keep the margins appropriate-1 inch all around.
  • Length: Manuscript should not be longer than 25 pages including tables and figures.

Headings: Use clear and consistent headings and subheadings to organize the content.


  • Ensure your work is original and has not been published before in any other journal.
  • The manuscript should not be under consideration by any other journal.


  •  Adhere to ethical guidelines, avoid plagiarism, and properly cite all references. Secure approval from institutional review boards (IRBs) or ethics committees.
  • For detailed information, see our Publication Ethics page.

Supplemental Materials

  • Data and Code: When applicable, include supplemental materials such as data sets, code, or additional figures that might be of value to others.
  • Appendices: These are for long descriptions of supplemental methods, data, or analyses.

Additional Resources

  • Publication Ethics: For details regarding publication ethics, please consult the Publication Ethics page on the site.

Submit Your Manuscript

  • Ready to submit your manuscript? Kindly follow this  to our submission page and attach your manuscript for review.


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